She came, she ‘saw’ and she conquered, with her spell binding, scintillating, enthralling performance. Every one present there was enthralled with her Soprano voice and the superb Violin vividly bringing out the significance of 7 musicals notes; taking us through an amazing journey of सूर&ताल and the varied music of our great land. Icing on the cake was her engaging, involving the delegates in eliciting what Leadership nuances they picked up from the Musical show– enabling, working together, synchronising, appreciating, motivating with passion that infects the team, earning respect, listening, sensitivity, integrity, aligning, adapting, attitude, open body language, giving the softest touch for hardest change —– doing more than justice to the objective of the Seminar – to refresh the delegates about leadership principles through an entertaining musical show. Only Sunita could have done it, deservedly earning a spontaneous standing ovation from 250+ delegates. Kudos to Sunita.
– Gopal Mandhania
District Governor Rotary