About Me

Sunita Khaund Bhuyan has many firsts to her credit. An accomplished violinist as well as an eminent HR professional, she is a pioneer in using music for training on Wellbeing, leadership and Change through the medium of music, for CEOs to students across the world. Her music therapy workshops for more than 25,000 street & slum children has gotten her a recognition from the Pope himself at the Vatican in 2016

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Pulling At The Heartstrings

She’s a virtuoso, in the true sense of the word. I first saw her many years ago – when I was heading the Mumbai Office of a Training company. I had organised a meet of Training Company Heads and Training Heads of BPOs.
One of the attendees was a very respected Training Head of a large BPO. I still remember that day vividly – we were discussing training related issues faced by the industry. About Talent nurturing and also attracting talent into the industry.
This lady stood out. She was so articulate! And I was amazed at her depth and the clarity of her thinking.
She was Sunita Bhuyan.

Ajoy Vakil

Training Head

Leadership Event

She came, she ‘saw’ and she conquered, with her spell binding, scintillating, enthralling performance. Every one present there was enthralled with her Soprano voice and the superb Violin vividly bringing out the significance of 7 musicals notes; taking us through an amazing journey of सूर&ताल and the varied music of our great land. Icing on the cake was her engaging, involving the delegates in eliciting what Leadership nuances they picked up from the Musical show– enabling, working together, synchronising, appreciating, motivating with passion that infects the team, earning respect, listening, sensitivity, integrity, aligning, adapting, attitude, open body language, giving the softest touch for hardest change —– doing more than justice to the objective of the Seminar – to refresh the delegates about leadership principles through an entertaining musical show. Only Sunita could have done it, deservedly earning a spontaneous standing ovation from 250+ delegates. Kudos to Sunita.

Gopal Mandhania

District Governor Rotary

CII Conclave 2015

‘Thank You’ for your session at the CII Conclave. I don’t need to say a word – You know how superb it was!! The standing ovation said it all ( which I’m sure is commonplace for you :)) It was a highlight of our conclave. Using the violin and music as a metaphor to teach Leadership lesson – So profound and powerful all at the same time! Truly a Benchmark.

Anjali Byce

Director-Human Resources

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